Yoga - Gentle Stretch

CATEGORY: All Levels

Gentle Stretch - 15 MINUTES

This can be your very special way of saying "thank you" to your body. Breathe a little deeper today and keep your mind still as you take yourself through my 15-minute stretch session. When teaching yoga I like to remind my students to take the judgment out of their practice. Accepting where your body is right at this moment and honoring what you need, is so fulfilling. Practicing this will change how you show up off of our your mat as well. We live in a world where judgment is, unfortunately, a dominant part of many people's thought processes. Chance starts with you and how your energy moves through the world.

The Foam Roller is like having an extra set of hands - hands that massage and adjust your alignment. Honestly, my body would not be as functioning as it is most days without this tool. Yes, it will be more intense at first, but that is because you need it. The more consistent you are with anything in life the more smoothly it will flow. If I motivate you to add anything into your life, please let it be moving and in that movement a COMMITMENT TO ROLLING.

1- Head Tilt - Head Circles - Arm Breath

2- Forward Fold

3- Kneeling Crescent/1/2 Splits - Hip Flexor to Hamstring Stretch

4- Twisting Runners with Arm Circles

5- DD - Child's Pose

6- Windshield Wipers - Piriformis - Rock & Roll

7- Shoulder Stretch

8- Side to Side ACTIVE Lateral Lunge - Skandasana

9- Wide-Legged Forward Fold

10- Childs Pose with Lat Stretch/Reach

11 - Yogi Squat


Power Yoga Flow
