
Each path is unique, no amount of comparing will change that.  

Take step back and look at how far you have come…

the accomplishments, the stumbles and the 10s of thousands of decisions that have dropped you into this moment. 

Proud & Grateful to experience everything that is yet to unfold before me.  I finally get it.  Thank you my love.


There are days where I am hard on myself.  Days when I think; where the heck am I?  What the hell happened?  Why did I let myself lose momentum? How could I have changed this outcome?  Then I see my kid laughing and playing.  I see how happy she is getting to ride horses with me and have a house with a backyard.  We are living such a different life than we would have had in LA.  I do believe that everything happens for a reason, but I fight it with the negative thoughts about where I am in this moment. 

I am finally learning to lean into the present.  To consciously flip my perspective and make the most of every situation.  It has taken me a few years to feel like I am living my own life (if that makes sense). I have been in such mourning of the life I used to have, that I could not settle into the new groove.  Being a mom is the coolest and most demanding job in the world.  It doesn’t take anything away from how much I love my daughter to say that I miss my old life. 

We are where we are because of the steps that we have taken in this direction.  The end goal can still be the same whether or not you take a few detours along the way.  I am still me, with the same passions and knowledge.  I can still make an impact and build a career out of what brings me JOY.  Finally I am realizing this path has brought me to be EVEN MORE OF MYSELF.  

Today in this moment I am embracing where I am.  This year of quarantine would have looked a whole lot different if I was still living in LA by myself with a little kid and a huge dog.  I was able to relax and work from home and have open space.  I have been given a chance to start over.  What I forgot is what I relay to my clients: that everyday is a chance to start fresh.  Do the best that you can right now and inspire the next moments, days, and weeks to come.


