Venturing our of your comfort zone. Believe in yourself and earn every progression life has to offer.
Never would I have imagined the life that I am living today. It was just one of those serendipitous things; where preparations meets opportunity.
Therefore, I am challenging everyone to put your head down and work your ass off. Every single piece of knowledge, every relationship, and EVERY experience [good and bad] will prepare you.
REMEMBER: we are all brave and POWERFUL. Stand up for what you belie inane work toward change/progression. Connect…ask for help…offer help, and say YES when something challenging comes up.
Know your worth. Trust your expertise. Make sure you are coming from a clear headspace and not EGO, then roll with the punches. In a new situation it takes time to earn your place. Yes resumes are lovely but proving yourself with consistency and dedication mean more. Having a positive attitude and an OPEN MIND will do a lot for you too!
Anything worth doing is worth doing well! It takes time to build the life that you want. I once heard that a professional is just an amateur that didn’t give up. All you need to do is KEEP GOING.
Make sure you have a clear direction by STRUCTURING. Sitting down and writing out your plan. Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses; where you feel like you are solid and what needs work. Can you bring someone else in who has this type of strength as a reference point? Sometimes we just need a little inspiration. A phone call with a friend or a podcast listening to an expert. Everything we want is at our fingertips; we just have to take the time to get clear, and make the time to do the work.